Jan 7, 2009

Moving in to the Dr's!

I might have to move in to the Dr's office. I was there 3 times today for MYSELF!!!!!!!! WOW! I have to take progesterone for my never ending period to see if that helps. PRAY people PRAY it really works even if you don't think so it works for me cause I KNOW SO! I had to get up at 630 to go get stuck in the arm but it only took one poke so that is awesome!! Got what they wanted and I was home by 9! We even stopped to see Bryan at work. We had friends come over at 10 and we had so much fun getting to know Brook and Audrey better while playing with great friends Kimberley and Spencer. Kater wasn't in so hot a mood though! When is she ever? Just the same we had fun, well I did. We had lunch with daddy and Kater went to Ginger's to play with Sid and Mary and had fun there too while I went to see the Endo who basically regrilled me and told me he was pretty sure I have Hyperthyroidism and to go to the lab for MORE blood. Which went smoothly then back to the Gyno to talk to the nurse lol but all in all not a horrible day really just super busy. I picked all 3 kids up and headed to church where we visited and my husband taught for me so I could rest and visit for a bit! It was wonderful. Now we are trying to wrangle the wildkat to bed and then I am laying on the couch and watching TV!!!!!! Don't tell anyone!

I added a picture of my nephew Ray just because I love it so much!

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