Dec 30, 2008


So Christmas went great!!!!!

Bryan got: A paper weight that looks like the crest of his Aggie ring. Complete with the year he graduated! A new bible that he has been hinting for forever!! And some little stuff, money for clothes, an extension cord, lens cleaner, glasses screws and screw diver and such.

I got: A new SEWING machine!!!! I have been asking for 3 years!!! Thanks to Paula and Bridgette for helping me out! The new Britney Spears CD. A ped egg, car fresheners, and such.

Quinton got AXE, AXE and more AXE, AC/DC jacket, pants, a couple more hoodies from dad, Guns N Roses CD, a ramp and rail for the skateboard and some skating accessories.

Kason got Batman Leggo game for the Wii we got as a family!! Train set, Ben 10, Bionacles, 2 hoodies, shoes, Spongebob bedding, Clue, Indiana Jones stuff, Nerf guns.

Kelton got a drum set, guitar, digital camera, shoes, belt with his name on it, 2 hoodies, computer, stuff for the Wii, trash truck, Indiana Jones sword, Harley Bedding, Tennis racket, police hat, fireman outfit.

Kater got about six babies I kid you not, a sugglekins monkey and swing, bottles, food, pots and pans, dishes, diaper bags, 2 sets of twins, a new baby alive toddler, stroller, carseat, high chair combo, shoes, finger nail polish and lip gloss.

We had so much fun with all our families!!! Nana and Grampa, Aunt Dianne, Uncle Donnie, Kaleb and Ray. Aunt Dee, Uncle Mikey, Chase, and Gage. Nonna and Poppa, Aunt Tonya, Uncle Steve, Stephen and Carson, Aunt Tracy, Zane and Dezi!

The day after Christmas we welcomed a new family member Reed Michael Bay. He was born to Aunt Dee and Unlce Mikey with 2 big brothers Chase, 14 and Gage, 10! She is so brave. He was born on Kater's birthday the 26th at 8 19 am. He weighed 8lbs 2 oz and was 20 1/2 inches long. He is super duper cute and I just want to keep him but she won't let me. Stingy thing!

Anyway that is the update I have for now. I have added pics of Reed already so I will add some of present time!

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