Quinny and WCS football boys praying before a game, there are some wonderful benefits to private school!

Kater and Kelby in the Football spirit! Kater in her WCS cheerleading outfit and Kelby in his football uniform heading to the last game of the season!

Happy Halloween!

Kelby had 3 teeth pulled, ouch, that was a ROUGH day for both of us!

Almost 4 photo shoot!
I have a million things to do next and Kater and I are getting sick!!!! I don't have time for this and I told the little germs this but they listen like my kids do!
So, Christmas is all around us. You can never be done at Christmas time. I have bought all of Kater, Quinton, Kelby, Kason, Nephews and Nieces, and Dad's presents and you would think I would be done, but no! I have to get paper goods and a puzzle for kid's parties, presents for my students, mom, sister, and brother in law. I have to make cookies, a ginger bread house, I have 2 Christmas plays, 2 dance recitals, 6 Christmas parties and drop off 4 kids in 2 different towns 6 hours apart, all in the next week!!!! I am not complaining at all, I love every minute of it I just can't believe how busy 1 tiny week can be!!
On another note, my sweet girl is going to be 4 soon, my baby, 4. How sad am I!